Star Atlas, an innovative metaverse game, is the amalgamation of blockchain, multiplayer gaming, real-time graphics and decentralized finance. This crypto RPG game allows players to time-travel into the year 2620 and experience futuristic virtual cosmos.
Star Atlas sets itself apart with its three unique factions: humans, aliens, and robots. Players must choose their factions and engage in battles to gain territorial dominance and resources. The game offers features such as farming, battling systems and crafting systems, as well as thrilling guild war modes.
The game’s primary objective is to discover new planets with hidden treasures by traveling through space. Players can explore different locations for lucrative resources, which they can monetize through the Play-to-Earn concept. With various job options like engineers, scientists, aviators, pirates, commanders and businesspeople, players can role-play and earn a real-world income.
Star Atlas offers several NFTs, including ships, structures, collectibles, access, and usernames. These NFTs, unique to each player, can be stored in their connected wallet, and used for starting their career in the game or becoming a trader. Rarity of collectibles ranges from common to uncommon, epic, rare, legendary to anomaly.
Sperasoft Studio, LLC and Automata S.A. are the developers of Star Atlas, with Sperasoft being a part of Keywords studios.